Sorry but we were unable to locate the web pages you requested which was


Please double check that you correctly entered the URL (ie check for typos) and amend if necessary.

If you are looking for a staff member's personal web site or a student user the web site for personal pages has moved to


Please note that student sites are not available to the Internet but many staff ones are. If you are a LSBU user you can apply Remote Access Using Icache to enable you to view your web sites from outside the campus.

If you still unable to access the site then :-

  1. The most like reason that you cannot access this web page is that you have to be a London South Bank User to view this site. You either need to be on campus or use a remote access authenication service that we provide called icache (see link above).

    You should in the first instance contact the author of the site you are trying to access, who can advise you about your query. The username of the person is normally linked from the home page of the site, however is you have used ~ in your URL then the username is the same that follows the tilde.

  2. Or you may search our site for the resource you have been unable to find
  3. If you have not received a response from the person who maintains the web site you are trying to access, please email full details which must include the full web address (URL) you are trying to access and your error messages to The University Webmaster and ask for asssistance.

PLEASE remember to include the full URL of the location you are trying to access and all error messages, otherwise we cannot help you